Welcome to our account!
This page is run by a student who work at Musgrove Park Hospital with the cancer services team. Through this account and the odd game, we aim to provide information and resources to raise awareness of cancer, the early signs and symptoms, what to look for, self-checks, available screening for certain cancers as well as support networks and activities which are available in the local area: to support people living with and beyond cancer, their families and/or carers.
You are welcome to share your stories, comments and feedback with us, but please be aware that this is a public page and that any information you post can be seen by anyone with internet access. Please do not post personal or confidential information (e.g. contact details or hospital numbers) on this page.
Remember that you are legally responsible for the information that you post. Please do not use swear words, offensive, abusive or sexual language. Please take care not to make defamatory statements and do not insult other comments made on this page. Any comment that violates these conditions may be removed from the page
You can use this link here to find our cancer quiz: Cancer Quiz by Somerset Foundation Trust